Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Heres What I Know About Essay Samples Work
Here's What I Know About Essay Samples Work So whether you're ordering your very first paper with us or your 10th, you will discover yourself saving a good deal of money! At length, the detail of true speech makes the scene pop. There are hundreds and hundreds of sample resumes on the net. The great news is, I can provide help. You want to understand how to compose an effective essay as it is a typical foundation for a student's grade. Students have to compose essays based on the teacher's instructions or their preferred style in writing. Since teachers utilize plagiarism checkers that search the web, writing companies have to supply students with their essays through email due to the privacy. If your teacher enables you to keep it overnight, you may always earn a copy so that you have the sample to check at as you are working. Bridget's essay is quite strong, but there continue to be a couple little things that could be made better. Possessing good essay examples provide s the reader an in-depth and on-the-court idea about what a well structured and coherent essay appears like. The topical outline about the overall discussion of the subject region of social work is an effortless supply of topics for essays on social work since it is structured in a manner that it's simple for students to locate and select certain topics. Once you're in the center of essay writing procedure, you might discover that it's extremely helpful to have a look at some papers that were written before. Learn more about the way the essay is scored. It gives you an opportunity to show how effectively you can read and comprehend a passage and write an essay analyzing the passage. Our sample essay has an easy but great introduction in which it demonstrates that the examinee has knowledge of the subject and clearly states the writer's position to establish the remainder of the essay. Every argumentative essay ought to depend on a topic that may be debated. Without respect, the job won't be carried out successfully. The seasoned workers are somewhat more keen to details and they are usually honest about their abilities. Hiring experienced workers help lessen production costs and enhance the productivity of the organization. The workers who possess great work ethic should be provided high position and promotion on the job. The War Against Essay Samples Work Professional writers are well trained and have plenty of experience so can come up with a few of the greatest work. From t ime to time, the best method to learn and understand new information is by way of seeing and understanding work which is already completed. Precisely, hard work is a must for a person to be prosperous in life. If you'll notice, some job posts include things like pleasing personality for a requirement. Tough times will also test somebody's attitude on how he or she is going to react in an issue. The other significant factor in work is character whereby one, is predicted to maintain honesty, self-discipline and eager to do the work. The simplest way to decide on the form of an essay is to realize the writer's point of view. Some are aimed toward telling a story, others concentrate on analysis or description. When you're writing, attempt to prevent employing the very same words and phrases over and over again. The author starts with a rather thorough story of an event or description of an individual or place. The readers, however, may want to hear more than just a single car eer objective. Writing Peak was among the pioneers in the area of academic writing assistance. Composing an appropriate career goals essay can be difficult should you not actually have any ambitions. Writing an essay that explains what goals you would like to pursue in your upcoming career is a skill you are going to have to demonstrate a lot for a student. Details of Essay Samples Work Some individuals have the capacity of excellent writing but find it problematic to work on confusing topics so it's far better to request assistance from a specialist. Students have to bear in mind 3 important differences. You will then have to approach this issue by gathering, generating, and evaluating credible sources to back up your evidence. There are a few topics which are absolutely unseen and students find difficulty in locating the proper direction and method of information collection. The Truth About Essay Samples Work Some said it sounds fantastic and marvelous. Make certain y ou divide information into paragraphs to create the text smooth and readable. The last and the most essential idea is to keep testing yourself. The most important point is, you don't need to wait until you find the prompt to come up with an arsenal of sorts of argument-building techniques you may use to back up your points. With its aid, you may greatly accelerate the procedure and enhance the caliber of your upcoming work. To sum up, work stoppage has been a substantial challenge in the USA automobile market. When you're assigned with a literary analysis, your primary purpose is to examine and study a particular parcel of literature to comprehend what main points it intends to render. There's no overall pattern of the way to compose a literary analysis, as it greatly depends upon the part of work you want to go over. Hard work and success go together because life is intended to be tough. If you are fortunate enough to pick the bit of literature all on your own, you want t o make certain it's chosen depending on your tastes and interest of the audience.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Violence Is A Quality And Characteristic Of Mankind
Violence is a quality and characteristic of mankind. Islam has certainly had it fair share of violence, particularly since the religion inception in the 7th century just like any other religion like Christianity and Judaism. ISIS, al-Qaida, book Haram etc., are violent non-state terrorist actors who have used the name of Islam to justify their intolerable crimes and action around the world. Their actions are affecting more than 3billion of Muslim lives in today’s world? While international terrorism started before 9/11, terrorism association with Islam was often limited to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict or other factor that did not associate with Islam globally. â€Å"On the domestic front, homegrown terrorism evoked images of white males†¦show more content†¦Once this shift in the public s perception occurred mostly because of media coverage, criticism and adverse treatment of Muslims went from being considered bigotry or unlawful religious discrimination to being patriotic, and national security policy (Simon Haddad, Hilal Khashan). At the end, it the burden of this crime were put on the few million Muslims in the United States, who were to pay for this security with their civil rights and liberties taken away from them. Every time an act of terror or shooting occurs, Muslims closely watch the news with extreme fear praying that the suspect is not Muslim. â€Å"This is not because these terrorists are likely to be Muslim but rather be cause in the instances where they happen to be, we see amplified mass media coverage and extreme unjustified hatred towards Muslims†.(Omar Analtor ) Question: what were the effects of 9/11 on the Muslim communities living in the United States in the United States? Hypothesis: the atrocity committed by 19 individual on of 9/11 has had a negative impact on Muslim living in the United States. The first section of this paper will briefly discuss some of the historical reason that might have been the cause of September. 11 None of the followingShow MoreRelatedHow Natural Selection Has Shaped The Modern Mind1575 Words  | 7 Pagessupporting natural selection, some theologist are still not entirely convinced that Darwin’s theory explains the progression of mankind. Thus, this paper will explore how natural selection has shaped the modern mind. This will be accomplished by examining the concepts of assortative mating and sexual selection to explain how the process of natural selection has allowed mankind to rapidly progress. This essay will be concluded by elaborating on how natural selection disproves John Locke’s blank slateRead MoreLiterary Masterpieces Matrix1186 Words  | 5 PagesFocus |Literary Qualities |Shared Characteristics |Influence of Earlier | | | | | |Periods | |Ancient Literature |The book of Genesis has |Genesis is mainly written |Both books are heavily |(Does not apply) | | |the theme creation. It is|in prose but does feature |influenced by violence. | Read MoreNegative Effects Of Masculinity1591 Words  | 7 Pagesset of traits known as the â€Å"man box†Characteristics include sexual desire, using women, not expressing emotion, violence, strength and more (Thompkins-Jones 1). In today’s age this unfair assessment is too often assigned to all men. This idea of toxic masculinity is pinned to each male by society before he even speaks. Any positive common male quality is ignored as some women tend to focus on the negative parts they see. Also society’s imposed characteristics of men can pressure young boys and causeRead MoreThe Classical Liberalism Theory1016 Words  | 5 Pagestheir justification is the establishment of order, to promulgate justice, and to guard and enhance natural rights. Despite the fact that human being are equal in rights and dignity, our disparity in talent s, interests and other qualities is a valid and essential characteristic of the human condition. Hence, classical liberalism counters leftist efforts to compel equalization of condition or result (Goodman, 2004). In addition, the Classical Liberalism put emphasize on limited government, free marketRead MoreEssay on Selfish Ambition Frankenstein 1497 Words  | 6 Pageson others. On the other hand, there have been just as many cases of people who grew up on the streets without the guidance of a parental figure, but they chose to make a bad situation into a good one by growing up to do something worthwhile for mankind. For this reason, it is nearly impossible to determine what makes a human being choose the way he/she behaves. Mary Shelley (1797-1851) published a novel in 1818 to voice her opinions about determining personality and the consequences and repercussionsRead MoreAnalysis Of Homer s Odyssey 1710 Words  | 7 Pagesthough not developing as a character in Homer’s Odyssey, experiences dynamic shifts in his character throughout the poem. This constant shifting between two contrasting versions of his character allows Odysseus to be situated as a representation of mankind , a fusion of both civilization and barbarism. Odysseus exhibits an initially civilized attitude upon meeting the Cyclops Polyphemos. Odysseus does not realize, as he explains to the Phaiakians later on, that he â€Å"would encounter a man who was endowedRead MoreEliza Gamble s Supremacy Of The Male1085 Words  | 5 Pagesher arguments were geared towards Darwin’s point of view of man being ultimately superior over woman. Women have basic functions and characteristics as dictated by nature through evolution. Women are capable of social and emotional intelligence. They also play an important role as human beings and have various characteristics that are represented and essential to mankind. The social roles are an important factor and these issues affect women. The female is represented in the primary source as beingRead MoreA Critical Analysis of Revelation by Flannery OConnor1591 Words  | 7 Pagesphysical characteristics and some are even identified with racial terms. The main character in the story is actually prejudiced and makes many statements using racial jargon. For example, Mrs. Turpin, the main character, refers to the higher class woman as well-dressed and pleasant. She also labels the teenage girl as ugly and the poor woman as white-trashy. When Mrs. Turpin converse with her black workers, she often uses the word nigger in her thoughts. These characteristics she givesRead MoreThe Murder Of James Byrd1207 Words  | 5 PagesFrankenstein, Mary Shelley illuminates the effects of racial prejudice by emphasizing the Creature’s shift in character as he is continually rejected by society, the DeLacey’s, and his creator. Similarly to modern day racism, the Creature’s hatred towards mankind is fueled by his desire for acceptance. He is forced into the archetype of â€Å"The Monster;†initially good, turned against the world by the absence of love in his life. Ordinary humans are unable to accept the Creature’s appearance because of theirRead MoreEssay on Voltaires Candide Character Analysis1426 Words  | 6 Pagesbetrayals and cannibalism. Pangloss, the philosopher, has a constant optimistic view throughout the entire novel even despite all of the cruelty in the world. While looking back on the book I couldnt think of many characters that displayed admirable qualities. Even though Pangloss stuck to his views that everything is for the best in this best of all possible worlds, which is admirable, he is stupid and naive to still believe this after everything he and his family goes through. It was quite hard for
Monday, December 9, 2019
Animal Cruelty in China free essay sample
Now our eyes are lashed by animal-abusing events nearby: Liu Haiyang, a Qinghua University student, hurt bears by sulphuric acid; tigers in circus troupe died of tiredness; thousands upon thousands of pet dogs in Guangzhou have them vocal cords cuthere are still countless such examples too tragic to look upon. The lesson we learn from that is not the transaction to individual event, but the need of some deep-going thinking: why does China have no related laws to ban and penalize similar commitment, when our society is increasingly developed; and why can our citizens turn blind in front of such atrocities when they are kept in a nation with profound Buddhism origin. Few people in China care about the feelings of animals or possess the concept of animal welfare. Some traditional factors play a positive role in this field. From childhood, anything about animals, most Chinese children get in touch with has undoubtedly put man above them. Even some of the children songs have described the nature of animals as malicious, such as slippery fox and ruthless wolf and so on, which not only casts a dark shadow over their hearts, but also leaves a wide gap between animals and children. These can all be taken in at a glance at the old saying: Man is the master of the universe. Disdain in spirit may lead to cruelty in action. As a result, man endows himself the natural rights to dominate the universe at the thought of human rights is gifted by the God, and take the life of animals as trifling matters. The civilized man always divides creatures into mankind and animals. The reason is no doubt that man thinks high of himself. Then is the deep-rooted human priority really true? Why should we insist on the inferiority of animals? Darwin has particularly compared the intellect of man and lower orders animals. He hold the opinion that we now know that the sensory organs, intuition, all kinds of emotions and functions, such as, love, memory, attention, curiosity, imitating and reasoning abilities, etc. Scientists have proved that animals possess sense perception as man does, which makes us have to ask ourselves a question: in the past 200 years, why did men keep extending the idea of ethics from state to nation, then to race, and finally to all individuals? Of course, morality has economic limitation. The reason because we found the former practice unfair. History shows that the category of ethical ideas is continuously expanding, and its extent keeps deepening. Man will finally break each kind of discovered unfairness, but we still exclude most perceptive species. Man could not communicate with animals in language, nor could they by other means. Therefore, man could not understand their agony and thereby took it as granted that animals could not sense pain. But now, man can measure whether an animal is suffering pain by some quantified standards. Experiments also proved the ability of animals to sense pain. If man still disregards their feelings in such a case, then it can by no means be considered a noble thing. A Chinese proverb says that never give anything to the others unless you like the thing. It may be changed into never give anything man dislike to them. Then how should we judge the suitable category of ethics at present level? I believe that the profit of each object involved in an action should all be considered. Therefore, we should extend the category of ethics to all species that are able to sense pain, joy and happiness. Why cannot man recognize animals in real life? The reason is that morality also has limitation of society. In reality there are usually conflicts between man and animal. Once man thinks an animal is harmful to him, he will show defense and hostility, considering not at all its welfare. Humans treat other humans still like this, let alone towards animals incapable of communicating in human languages. Therefore, powerful binding force is needed to seek welfare for animals. From the legal point of view, the inheritance of excellent Chinese traditional morality should be absorbed by newly discussed Chinese Animal Welfare Laws. Although it is easy to learn from abroad, it still needs persevering efforts of several years to really make the idea of animal welfare go deep into the hearts of most Chinese citizens. Since China has now been one of the members of World Trade Organization, the legal system and civilization level must catch up with the steps of economy linked to international developed countries. Thus, the development is wholesome, up-going and full-scale. It will be a great victory of global animal welfare cause to realize its popularization in China, a country that takes up one fifth of the world population. Up till now, most countries have enacted related laws and regulations. Many experience shows that in a society, the more advanced the economy, and the deeper the democratic idea goes into people heart, the much easier the concept of animal welfare is popularized and accepted by its citizens. Whether a person owns a kind heart can also be judged by his treatment toward animals. It is said that some criminologists point out that the maltreatment toward animals in childhood is a sign of the risk of committing crimes after grown up. Law is the minimal morality. The love and attention to animals should be from the bottom of hearts, instead of the regulation at legal levels. Maybe when human society reaches the stage of, in the word of Confucius, every life being equal, it is the time that animals finally be liberated. Universal love has no distinction between species. This is a world shared together by man and animals. China has started fairly late, but we may not escape or be absent in the trend of universal love. The future is bright but the way is zigzag. I would like to cite this Chinese proverb to describe the situation of Animal Welfare Law in China and I hope all the animals live happier life in the future, in China.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Network Solution Essay Example
Network Solution Essay Background Nowadays, outside world are changing rapidly and no one can prevent it anymore. One of the factors’s that affecting today’s business is a simple shifting of managing employee’s performance in every organisation. Business organisations often rely on employees to complete business functions in a timely and efficient manner. The reputation of the business may also rely partly on the performance of its employees. Owners of businesses often develop an employee performance management to help them evaluate employees. 1. 2 Aims The purpose of this report is to evaluate the performance management in organisation by finding out their characteristics as an ‘ideal’ management system. It focuses on the Network Solutions, Inc. in order to determine their characteristics of performance management system. This report also will give explanation about basic concepts of performance management. 1. 3 Scope The report evaluates the overview of Network Solutions by providing organisation profile amp; their challenge, the concept of performance management, list correspond of ideal characteristics features system which implemented and identify of mislaid characteristics at Network Solutions. Moreover, this report will analyse the advantage and disadvantage outcomes at Network Solutions from the implementation system which chase by organisation. We will write a custom essay sample on Network Solution specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Network Solution specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Network Solution specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer By providing some future suggestion about critical issues that Network Solutions facing in performing ideal performance management system also will be discussed at the end of this report. 2. 0 Overview of Network Solution, Inc. 2. 1 Profile of Network Solutions’ As the primary provider of web-related services in North America and a forge in the Internet industry, Network Solutions recognise a lot to getting things done at web speed. Network Solutions, Inc. is a worldwide leader in hardware, software, and services essential to computer networking. Therefore, Network Solutions offers a full suite of web-related services, together with web site design, online marketing, email and web site hosting for more than 4million customers. 2. 2 Challenge faced by Network Solutions’ Recently, Network Solutions, Inc. used more than 50 different systems to measures performance within the organisation. Therefore, there are some challenges that augment in their performance system, such as: * Performance crush were not being tackled * Pressure from competitors was ineffectively escalating the outlay of managing human resource * Quality projects were driving change 3. Performance Management Performance management within the organisation grounded the organisation improvement of productivity, effectiveness and efficiency towards employee performances. Foot and Hook (2005, p. 264) defined the performance management as a process to share understanding about the needs to be achieved by managing and developing people to sharing an understanding in terms of the organisation objective. In addition, the process that line managers ensure that employees’ activities and outputs are aligning with the organisation’s goals can be defined as performance management (De Cieri and Kramer 2005, p. 24). As a result, performance management in Network Solutions are seen as an ongoing process of managing their employees for the aim to increasing job-related success (Holsworthy 2003, cited in Rees amp; McBain 2004, p. 17). In brief, as an HR studies it can be described that performance management are the continuous process of identifying, measuring, developing and aligning of organisation performance towards the strategic goals of the performance of organisation which are effective to accomplish in Network Solutions. The purposes of performance management in Network Solutions are to consider with the strategic business consideration and it relates with the ongoing feedback within the organisation. As a result, by performing excellent management it can improve employee performance that driven by all line manager. 3. 1 Overview of Performance Management System Managing employees is an important part of running a small business. The reputation of the organisation may also rely partly on the performance of its employees. Boice amp; Kleiner (cited in Goff amp; Longenecker 1990, p. 98) noted that owners of organisation frequently enlarge an employee performance management system to assist them evaluate employees by training development. A formal employee performance management system in Network Solutions is usually used for annual employee assessments. These systems usually include information detailed to the organisations operations and how well employees achieve under specific circumstances. As a res ult, it is important for Network Solutions which responds to and anticipates the changes in its environment by awareness on their strategic evel (Buyens et all. , 2001 cited in Blackman amp; Kelly,2006). 3. 2 Characteristics of an ‘ideal’ performance management system There are fourteen characteristics described by Aguinis (2009, pp. 26-27) as an ideal performance management system which accommodates to evaluates at Network Solutions. Therefore, this involves in particular, the characteristics to be congruent with organisational strategy, thorough, practical, meaningful, specific, identifies effective amp; ineffective performance, reliable, open and standardised. As a result, Network Solutions’ system provides a reasonable overlap with an ideal performance management system. Even though, the remainder characteristics are not visibly address such as, valid, acceptable and fair, inclusive, correctable, and ethical. 4. 0 Network Solutions’ Performance Management System 4. 1 Ideal characteristics which implemented at Network Solutions There are some characteristics which correspondent at Network Solution based on Aguinis (2009, pp. 26-27), such as: * Goal cascading and team building correspond with Congruent with organisational strategy characteristic. In other words, Network Solutions highlighted that one of the first step strategy in developing an effective performance evaluation system is to determine the organisation’s objectives (Boice amp; Kleiner, 1997). * Performance planning and Development planning correspond with thorough characteristic. All performance and development planning have been considered in Network Solutions. In this case study, the organisation trying to accomplish four dimensions of evaluation system based on Aguinis. The idea that the system is a joint year-round responsibility of managers and employees correspond with it being standardised. Standardised characteristic is good in every organisation to adopt that concept. Therefore, Network Solutions was decided this concept in evaluated their performance to achieve their goal. 4. 2 Identification of mislaid characteristics at Network Solutions There are some characteristics may be missing based on (Aguinis 2009, pp. 26-27) in performance of Network S olution such as: * Acceptable amp; fair In relates to the case study, it showed that the organisation and HR team was put in place to design and implement the new system. Well on the other hand, Network Solutions was missed this opportunity to breaking down their system to be accepted by their employees and it is also not fair for the board to expect good performance but all delegation task was not efficiently correspondent (Burgoyne, 1998 cited in Luoma, 2000). As result, an ideal system of to be acceptable and is perceived as fair by all participants is required to adopt by Network Solutions for a better future. Inclusive The valuation progression should symbolise the concerns of all the people who will be affected by the outcome in regard with this characteristics. Consequently, Network Solutions participants must be given a voice in the process of designing and implementing the system. For example, inclusive system is probable to lead to more successful systems to improve their performance preview. * Correctable  "Correctability†as ideal characteristics is a process of assigning ratings to create a system as an important component of the evaluation process. Furthermore, performance management system in which a set percentage of employees were classified in each several categories is required to listed inclusive employees rating in Network Solutions. For instance, as it mentioned in the case study, a rating of 1 to the top 20% of performers. As a result, with the individual ratings will determine the execution of annual objectives and job requirements as well as by comparison rating of others at a similar level at Network Solutions. * Ethical A superior system fulfil with ethical standards are described by Aguinis as an ideal characteristic of performance management system. In Network Solutions, the supervisor evaluates only performance dimensions for which has sufficient information and privacy of the employee respected. Regarding all points above, the board of Network Solution should review its performance in relates with those characteristics which are mislaid and agree on required changes to improve its operation. 5. 0 Implementation system from Network Solutions 5. 1 Advantages and positives outcomes Performance management systems are used to align employee performance with company goals. According to Davidson and Griffin (2006) a successful review system will include components for ongoing and consistent feedback, goal setting, communication between managers and employees, and motivation (Meyer amp; Allen, 1991 cited in Sahindis amp; Bouris, 2007). The ideal system ensures that everyone involved understands the process, its purpose, and any possible rewards that may stem from it. Numerous advantages that come out of this approach, such as: * Good and balanced standardised performance review system. * Structured performance reviews Employees will strive more to improve their performance knowing that good performance are rewarded * By streamlining employee goals with company goals, employees are happier knowing that their overall contribution will assist the company and ultimately, they feel ownership of the company 5. 2 Disadvantages and negative outcomes A well performance management system has become an innovative approach to accomplish organisational success. As su ch, a performance management system is complex because it involves employees, supervisors and strategic managerial personnel. As a system, according to McCarthy, Garavan amp; O’Toole (2003) its advantages have been broadly advertised, but the system has to be carefully monitored for smooth functioning and HRD can play their roles in regards to managing Network Solutions interfaces. As a result, there are listed some of disadvantages that evaluate in this approach, such as: * Having the same approach / standardised approach applied across all departments / areas may not be as effective as we predicted it to be. What may be applicable in one department may not necessarily be applicable in others. It may be a good idea to develop several scenarios for performance reviews, especially in different areas. * Having a set number of employees to be assigned with a given rating may not bring the encouragement effect. Employees may be stressed or under intense pressure to perform, in which case, usually the reverse will happen, i. e. worse performance rather than improvement 6. 0 Conclusion In conclusion, there has been constant change in the world of Human Resources in the past few years. The changes have been caused by the need to react quickly to severe pressures for survival. Regarding to the roles of HR, adopting an ideal characteristic by Aguinis is important for Networks Solutions to support their performance management system. Based on Network Solution, Inc. case, it is important for board system to concern with their task to train their staff by delegate their new system and avoid some of the barriers that happens in the organisations. 7. 0 Recommendations It is recommended that: * The board level should put more efforts to control Network Solution Inc. , performance by applying Aguinis ideal characteristic performance management system. Within the organisation should construct good communication to avoid any lack of information * Network Solution should provides routine orientation meeting program for their employees to construct any new system which applied and to educate employees about the new system to ensure all on track * All board Network Solution should give their employees motivation * Network Solutions should plan to continue reinforcing t he needed cultural change to support forced distribution ratings.
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